Sunday, October 24, 2010

All's fair that ends fair...

I was so excited when Wendy and Ken told me that we were going to the fair! The Puyallup Fair happens every fall, and it's a way fun fair! I looked at our tickets and thought that it was the Pull-Your-Lip Fair, but they kept telling me that it's pronounced "Pu-WAHL-lip" - I think that's kind of silly. But you know how humans can be...

There was so much to do at the fair, so many places to be, and a lot of great surprises for this little sock monkey!

I met a bunch of cows and some of their families. They were very big and seemed to be tired, since most of them were lying down. I tried to make friends with them, and with the little goats too, but they were not interested in me either. They were more interested in their food. I can understand that, since I love to eat, but I had hoped to become friends with them...
One of the nice things about this Pull-yer-lip Fair was the parade! A rodeo is a big part of the fair, and I loved the rodeo parade! There were cowboys and cowgirls and horses and tractors full of more cowboys... it was so cool! I waved "hi!" to them and many of them waved back!
There some interesting people at the fair, and they wanted to be friends with me. One was a really pretty lady who saw me, started smiling, and said her sister just LOVED sock monkeys. I was very happy to hear that! She wanted to be friends with me too, and I liked her a lot. I also met these two funny guys - Laurel and Hardy! They made me laugh!
After a lot of walking, I was happy to see that the folks who run the fair know that all this walking around might make your little tootsies hurt, so they actually have these foot massage machines! I am quite used to sitting in the palm of big hands, so I scampered up on top of one of the hands... only to find out that my feet didn't hit the massage part. There were enough hands to go around for Wendy and Ken too, but they said, "I'm good..." in unison. Well, I liked it, and it was nice to rest in a big, giant hand! I was glad it did not reach around and pull my lip. 

I could not believe my big sock monkey eyes when we got to the next part of the fair! I had hoped I would find something silly, and I found a whole town full of silly! There was so much to do in this part - a carousel, a little farm where there was very tall corn stalks, and it made me so very excited!

The petting farm was the best... except that I was afraid that the sheep and goats might take a bite out of me, after watching those little goats chow down earlier! I could not believe my eyes when we got to the chickens area! How funny was it that they had SILLY chickens in SILLYVILLE! I kept asking Wendy to take a picture while I was laughing so hard. She did and then asked what exactly was so funny. When I told her, she asked me to read the sign a little slower... they were SILKY chickens. Well, I still think they were pretty silly looking!

I was getting pretty tired and I wanted to know if we were almost done. Ken suggested we go to the midway, and I suggested I was more than midway done with the fair. It was pretty sunny, and I was getting a headache from all the fun in the sun. Ken saw a booth where they were selling sunglasses and thought I might want to try some on. He had a good idea! It was very fun to try on sunglasses that made me look very romantic and then very sporty... and then I was ready to go to the midway!
There were so many rides at the fair. I wanted to go on The Scream - it reminded me of the Seattle Space Needle and it went about a million miles into the sky! You sit on a kind of a chair on a kind of a bench with a bunch of people you don't know, and they pull the bench into the sky, and then they drop the bench! I thought it would be fun! Wendy and Ken did not want to go (they are silly chickens, if you want to know the truth!), and I said I would go by myself. I found a sign that showed how tall you have to be to go on this ride. Well, that ended THAT conversation!

It was really getting time to get home, but we had not hit the midway yet. We had not played any games. Once we got there, we found out that there were not a lot of games for sock monkeys to play. I saw lots of kids walking around with prizes, and I asked Ken to win a new friend for me. 

The first game we went to was a ring toss on bottle-neck game. Ken said it was a very hard game, and it looked like it was because there were only a few GIANT prizes there, not lots of little prizes. Well, it must have been my - and Ken's - lucky day, because he WON a GIANT tiger! Us being from Detroit and major Detroit Tiger fans, well, we thought this was perfect! People were high-fiving Ken (I don't have five fingers) as we walked along, and staring at us, and we were so happy! This tiger is so GIANT that it almost didn't fit in the car!
I LOVED the Puyallup fair - next time I hope I can go on some rides and maybe even eat a corndog!