Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 18 - More Food and Family!

JULY 18 

Yesterday I was reunited with Jesse, my Boy. Today I was reunited with Frannie, my Girl! I could not help but think, “Oh, how she has grown!” She’s not that much different from that 2 year old I first met, however. We went to Niki’s in Royal Oak for breakfast and to get caught up. I sure do miss her playing! I understand that now she makes a living out of make-believe play… Humans call it “theatre work.”

After that meal, it was time to go immediately to lunch. Ken’s family reunion was a riot, and I was happy when I was got a chance to eat! I waited until all of the humans were just about done with their brunch, and I snuck up on this bowl of amazing fruit! Then, when nobody was looking, I snuck a plate of cookies to my end of the table… I don’t think anyone saw. I tried to eat them quickly and quietly! 

Just as I got the last crumb wiped off my face, Ken grabbed me up to be in a family photo! Marcy, Jenn and Gary humored Ken. They had no idea how special it felt to be in a family picture. Yesterday I had the picture with Jesse, John, Jen, and Wendy… WAIT! I’m in pictures with TWO JENS! And BOTH of them were in from out of town on an adventure! And NEITHER of them have blogs! Well, I’m glad to share my little corner of the blogosphere with them!

Oh, Ken has this cousin Melissa who was there. All I can say is that that KIA sock monkey with the puny little MOM tattoo on his arm ain’t no competition for Melissa! Her tattoos are beautiful and a-plenty! So take a look-see here, Mr. KIA Sock Monkey (who I actually believe is really a human in a costume!)… THIS is some REAL ink!

Our last stop turned out to be a dinner stop. We went to see Wendy’s Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Bob. Well, how lucky was I? Two MORE girl cousins to play with, and these were KIDS! Anna gave me some loving noogies, and Amanda showed me the boats on the lake behind the house. 

Cousin Marc had a great idea that maybe I would like to go swimming. We thought about it, and realized that was probably not a great idea. He and ANOTHER cousin Jason figured out how I could so some major chillaxin’ on a sort of raft! It was late enough in the day that it didn't matter that I forgot to put on my sunblock. Floatin' in the pool, on a July afternoon, with two lovely girls at my beck and call. NICE!
It was a beautiful end to another hectic day – I can’t WAIT for the road trip to Beulah tomorrow! Ken, Wendy and me in a car together for over 4 hours! I am going to have SO much fun! It will be SO exciting to see Michigan this way! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ernie!
    It was a pleasure to meet you!
    Glad you had fun at the reunion -- I think it meant a lot to Ken that you were happy to be there (even tho he might not tell you that himself!)
    Tell Wendy I said 'Hi!' and I'll talk to her soon!
    Oh, and you can tell Ken I said 'Hi!', too.
    Keep in touch, Ernie -- love to hear about your adventures!
    ~ (NY cousin) Jenn <3
